A wiki is a set of shared documents that anybody on the team can edit. You can use basic markdown in your page content, or you can make a link to another wiki page using this syntax: [[AnotherWikiPage]]
Every wiki link will work, even if the page doesn’t exist yet. This way, you can declare that a page should come into existence simply by editing the page that should link to your page and adding the link. Then, when you visit it, you can edit your new page and put content in it! Voila!!
For example, this is a link back to the WikiHome. If you edit this page, you’ll see how the link works.
Every time you save a page, you will create a new version. Your name will be stamped on that version, and once I build the functionality, everybody will be able to see what changes you made. That way, the community can help each other out setting norms and so forth.
For now, though, I’m launching super basic functionality to get the ball rolling and get some testing done by others on the team.
You’ll also notice that this is the only team that has access to the wiki. This is because the feature is behind a feature flag. You can technically use it on your team if you want by hacking the URL, but I don’t recommend it!
If you’d like to learn more about the basic principles behind a wiki, visit https://wiki.c2.com/?WikiPrinciples